This novel had me at hello. One knitter’s transatlantic quest for a sweater quantity of some enchanted yarn? Sold.
But it’s so much more than that. Three Skeins of Caledonia Blue is a beautifully written story that dives headlong into the challenges of recalibrating one’s life at the midway point. The characters are so vivid and relatable it’s easy to forget you don’t know them off the page.
—Camille DeAngelis
Above, join Tiffany LaTrice, founder of TILA Studios, as she chats with Elizabeth Duvivier about Three Skeins of Caledonia Blue.
Or click HERE to listen to the audio version.

About the Author
Elizabeth is someone who has been known to walk out into the garden and forget she has left oatmeal cooking on the stove (read: oatmeal scorcher). She loves wild pagan dinner parties, the smell of freshly grated ginger, and wandering into the mystic.
She is a big believer in the importance of small things.
Elizabeth, you are a true literary writer. Your sentences are gorgeous. Three Skeins of Caledonia Blue brims with emotion and a delicate beauty in all the details of life, grief, hope, and so much other humanity throughout. Mathilde is a compelling woman and protagonist.”
This morning I was standing next to the stove cooking my scrambled eggs while reading the last chapter of Stories for my Sister. I don’t know that I’ve ever done that before in my 45 years on this earth! I simply could not put it down and ended up going into the office late! The characters were so relatable—real people like you or me—complete with flaws and so many lovable qualities. I’ll be buying additional copies for friends and family, because I will not be able to part with my copy.”